I want to point out that the Chinese side is highly concerned about the anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigation recently launched by the EU against Chinese PV products and wireless telecommunication equipments. 我想指出的是,最近欧盟发起针对中国光伏产品和无线通信设备的反倾销反补贴调查,中方对此高度关注。
This would have value because anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions are easier to take against non-market economies such as China. 这将是有价值的,因为人们更容易运用反倾销和反补贴措施来对付中国这样的非市场经济国家。
Providing proposal on imposition of definitive anti-dumping or countervailing duties or proposals on duty refund, etc. 就征收最终反倾销或反补贴税提出建议或就退税提出建议等。
The countervailing duty law focuses exclusively on whether or not a subsidy has been given, and if so, its value. 反补贴税法特别关注是否给予补贴,如果有,还有它的价值。
21.1 A countervailing duty shall remain in force only as long as and to the extent necessary to counteract subsidization which is causing injury. 21.1反补贴税应仅在抵消造成损害的补贴所必需的时间和限度内实施。
There was no reason, therefore, for either President to think that R& D support for the development of electric vehicles was a primary focus of the countervailing duty petition. 因此两位领导人都未曾预料为发展电动汽车提供的研发支持竟成为反补贴调查的重点。
According to the countervailing duty petition, China is second only to the United States worldwide in the purchase of automobiles. 调查申请中提到中国仅次于美国,是世界第二大汽车消费市场。
The US has a panoply of "trade defence" instruments antidumping, countervailing duty and safeguard measures that allow it to block imports it deems unfairly priced, state-subsidised or flooding in too rapidly. 美国拥有全套的“贸易自卫”工具反倾销、反补贴税、以及保护措施使其得以对被视为定价不公、获得补贴或增长迅速的进口商品实施限制。
In a recent antidumping and countervailing duty action brought against imports of Chinese solar cells by US renewable energy businesses, six of the seven complainants exercised their rights to keep their identities secret. 最近,7家美国可再生能源企业对从中国进口的太阳能电池提起反倾销和反补贴关税诉讼,但其中6家企业都行使了匿名权。
World Trade Organisation rules require China to invite the us to consult on the countervailing duty petition before initiating any investigation in an effort to find a resolution to the concerns. 根据世界贸易组织(wto)的规定,中国在开始调查之前,需邀请美国就“反补贴税”进行磋商,以求达成相关解决方案。
The law would require estimates of such undervaluation to be included in so-called "countervailing duty" tariffs that Washington imposes on imports it deems to be unfairly state-subsidised. 该法案将要求美国政府在对其视为得到不公平政府补贴的进口征收的“反补贴”关税中,纳入估算的汇率低估幅度。
In October, the Senate passed a bill that would compel the us to use calculations of currency undervaluations when assessing to what extent imports are deemed to be unfairly priced, for the purposes of imposing emergency so-called "Antidumping" and "countervailing duty" tariffs. 今年10月,美国参议院通过法案,要求美国政府在评估进口商品的定价不公平程度时,估算商品生产国货币被低估的情况,以便加征所谓的“反倾销”和“反补贴”紧急关税。
If, as a result of the review under this paragraph, the authorities determine that the countervailing duty is no longer warranted, it shall be terminated immediately. 如作为根据本款复审的结果,主管机关确定反补贴税已无正当理由,则反补贴税应立即终止。
The Washington trade lawyer said: The interesting part is adding a countervailing duty case. 前述华盛顿贸易律师表示:有意思的部分在于添加了一个反补贴审查程序。
Studies on Several Legal Issues of Injury Determination in Countervailing Duty Investigation 反补贴调查中损害认定的若干法律问题研究
Chapter 19 establishes a review mechanism to determine whether final anti-dumping and countervailing duty decisions made in domestic courts are consistent with national laws; 第19章建立了一套审查与争端解决机制,确定国内法庭作出的反倾销和反补贴税的最终决定是否与其国内法一致;
The American legislation pattern of neglecting differences between preventing the evading of anti-dumping duty and countervailing duty is rational and convenient, but there also exist a few problems. 美国采取了淡化防止反倾销规避和防止反补贴规避差异的立法模式,固然有其合理和方便之处,但也存在不少问题。
A Comparative Study on International Countervailing Duty Laws 国际反补贴法之比较研究
Combining countervailing investigations and anti-dumping investigations makes the responding work of our enterprises greatly increase and become more complex and difficult, if we lose the lawsuits, we will be charged to double duty rates. 将反补贴调查与反倾销调查合并进行,使得我国企业应诉工作量大大增加,应诉工作更为复杂,胜诉难度提高,并且一旦败诉将会被征收双重税率。
The survey of 301 is different from the previous anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations, its filing threshold is low, opportunities to defend are fewer, the scope is broad and its affects are much larger than other trade protection measures. 301调查不同于以往的反倾销和反补贴调查,它的立案门槛低、抗辩机会少、涉及范围广,其杀伤力要远大于其他贸易保护措施。
Regarding the settlement resolution of the disputes regarding subsidies to Chinese SOEs, there are two methods: The first one is the domestic method, which settle the disputes through the domestic countervailing duty investigation. 而就中国国企补贴的争端解决途径而言,WTO体系提供了两种方式。第一,国内法途径,即通过国内反补贴法解决中国国企补贴争端。
Ever since Canada initiated the first anti-subsidy investigation of products originating from China in 2004, WTO members have gradually begun applying countervailing duty law to products originating from China. 自2004年加拿大首次对原产于中国的产品适用反补贴调查以来,WTO成员方开始逐渐对中国适用反补贴法。
The relevant economic models are constructed under the traditional free trade theory, the models shows that countervailing will cause the national welfare losses for exporting countries and negative effect for consumers in importing countries but countervailing duty could be as a compensation for their government. 在传统自由贸易理论下构建反补贴的经济效应模型,研究发现反补贴对出口国造成整体国民福利损失,对进口国引起消费者负效应但同时得到了反补贴税补偿。
The anti-subsidy measure includes the countervailing duty and the counter measures. 主要的反补贴措施为征收反补贴税。另一种是反补贴措施。